Data protection is the process of applying security controls and processes in place to protect personal data from harm. Important data protection controls include encryption, user access controls and password controls. Processes may include
data de-identification, data loss prevention, privacy impact assessments and data retention settings.

Ten Steps to GDPR Readiness Presentation

In a recent survey conducted for Mazars on Irish Businesses on GDPR readiness, only 16% of businesses had actually mobilized a project to meet the upcoming deadline. While 82% of respondents agreed that meeting requirements would be challenging to extremely challenging. In this 35 minute session, Paul Rogers a compliance expert speaker and fintech business owner, will take a look at the challenges that Irish businesses face when it comes to GDPR and 10 practical steps that stakeholders can do to be ready for the May 2018 deadline. He will look at internal governance, consumer self service models, trans-border data transfers, privacy shield, NIS directives, policy readiness and more. He will also cover common compliance failures and data protection commissioner case history reports which will help you stay clear of trouble.

GDPR and the Importance of Good Governance Presentation

Data privacy has become a matter of competitive advantage for firms worldwide. Consumer confidence reports are now showing us the direct correlation between privacy and how people would actively avoid companies that do not respect it. Recent data privacy cases heard in the ECJ have seen a paradigm shift from business to consumer rights on a global scale. In this presentation I discuss; -The importance of a well-defined governance program when it comes to preparing for the new general data protection regulations coming into effect in the EU  -Identify what policies and tools need to be in place for effective management of customer data to effectively govern a compliance program and maintain competitive advantage  -Identify who should participate in a multi-disciplinary team to shape IT governance as it relates to the new GDPR regulations & -Understand in detail the role of the data protection officer as it relates to supporting good governance and data privacy 

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