Our Collection of Security Training, Templates and Media

  • Data Privacy Awareness 4 Module Presentation Training Course, data privacy awareness training ppt decks
    Train your staff on privacy with our Data Privacy awareness 4 module presentation training course. Data breaches cost US companies $9.36m on average in 2024 and were mostly triggered by human error and lack of awareness. This course will help combat these risks by teaching staff on types of personal data, key risks, best practices for employees in the workplace, risk avoidance and more. We Include a printable tips poster in 2 ready to print sizes.
  • ROPA Template, Record of Processing Activities Controller Template, GDPR Controller Template, PII records inventory management tool, PDPL controller template, personal information asset register, NPI data management template
    This All-in-One kit helps GDPR controllers and data asset register keepers manage and track all aspects of their records management responsibilities. We include a records management workbook with a FAST automated pre-assement, detailed records category dropdowns and detailed instructions. We also include essential easy to edit visio (.vsdx) templates to help document your environment. All you need to get you started quickly with your records management responsibilities.
  • cybersecurity corporate awareness training course, best Our cybersecurity awareness training course
    Our cybersecurity corporate awareness training course features 4 modules covering common threats & device security, remote working security, phishing (email security) and more.  Also includes a 20x30" awareness tips poster. All ideal for compliance, cyber security awareness month and general security use.
  • Phishing Awareness Training Course Presentation, email security awareness training
    Phishing type attacks are the number one type of attack globally and 1000's of companies fall victim every year. Our phishing awareness training presentation course for employees is a more efficient way to learn about different phishing types, common risks like ransomware and ways to prevent them by providing threat tips with realistic phishing examples. We also include a highres phishing awareness tips poster.
  • DPIA Template .xls download, Privacy Impact Assessment .xls template
    A Data Privacy Impact Assessment is required under GDPR, UK-GDPR, Canada PIPEDA, KSA PDPL and most US state privacy laws. It's also considered best practice for a majority of organizations who may not be technically required to perform them. This download kit includes a detailed workbook with instructions a 10 point DPIA pre-assessment automatic scorecard, an excel workbook with 30 controls covering 8 assessment areas. We also include essential data mapping visio templates to help with the important personal data mapping requirements of a DPIA.
  • Sale!
    GDPR ROPA Processor Template Download, PDPL data processor template, personal data asset register

    Record of Processing Activities Template Kit (Processor ed) 2024

    Original price was: 9,00 €.Current price is: 7,00 €.
    This unique ROPA processor kit will help you document your PII processing activities with greater accuracy and completeneness . Includes a ROPA processor records management workbook with pre-assessment section, records section, instructions, example and revision history section. We also include visio templates to help you better document your personal data processing.
  • data privacy business reference guide presentation
    Our data privacy business reference guide presentation is a graphically rich solution for businesess in understanding data privacy and complying with the law. We cover the importance of data privacy, common privacyquestions, key privacy terms and how privacy laws are applied. Featuring extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference.
  • Data Privacy and Security Awareness Corporate Training Courses Combo Pack
    Our data privacy and security awareness presentation training combo pack is an all-in-one 8 module solution for training employees in these key domains. Presented in a simple, effective user friendly format, it helps reinforce risk and avoidance concepts in the workplace. See the two training [4 module courses] in the bundle below. We also include a bonus 20x30" cybersecurity awareness tips poster which can displayed in appropriate staff areas.
  • what is data privacy, how do you ensure data privacy presentation, How does data privacy work, DPO Training Solutions
    This data privacy awareness training presentation gives employees an introduction to key points of data privacy in an EZ follow format. It gives learners a brief overview of policies, laws and other elements to cover the essentials of data protection.
  • Data Privacy & Security Awareness Training Presentation Bundle
    Data Privacy & Security Awareness training presentation bundle offers you a learning path to understanding the key concepts of personal data protection and workplace risks. This all-in-one download includes a 4 module privacy training course, a data privacy reference guide, california data privacy training deck, phishing training and laptop security training decks to get you up to speed quickly and cost effectively.
  • IT security awareness training for remote workers, DPO Security Training Solutions, security awareness presentation, privacy security
    This corporate remote working security awareness training presentation covers the main risks for remote workers to be aware of when using company assets. We include interactive examples of phishing emails, wifi security, video conference security and more.
  • Sale!
    Data Privacy Assessment Tool Download

    Data Privacy Automated Self Assessment Tool

    Original price was: 8,00 €.Current price is: 6,00 €.
    Use this automated tool as a scorecard to quickly measure your GDPR / CCPA compliance. The data privacy tool will give you a snapshot of your compliance progress by giving you a calculated score based on best practice metrics.
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