Sale!Our data privacy awareness A4 pdf brochure is a useful tool for reminding employees at their workspaces of privacy risks to help comply with CCPA, GDPR, PCI-DSS etc. Tri-fold brochures are a popular component of security awareness training learning triad that should be continuously applied, this handout will help.
Sale!Our medical data privacy (HIPAA) awareness training is good fit for healthcare entities looking to train their staf on privacy risks. Includes the latest HIPAA 2023 rules, data sharing rules, remote working risks, expected security policies and case history examples.
Sale!Our CTDPA (Connecticut) data privacy awareness training is a definitive guide for training employees on Connecticut data privacy laws and key risks. It will help staff understand the importance of privacy, what the key terms are and how privacy laws are applied. With extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference.
Sale!Use our payment card handling security awareness pamphlet to remind CDE staff of safe use of card data, email risks and other tips. Use this brochure with some of our other products to increase security awareness in your organization.
Phishing type attacks are the number one type of attack globally and 1000's of companies fall victim every year. Our phishing awareness training presentation course for employees is a more efficient way to learn about different phishing types, common risks like ransomware and ways to prevent them by providing threat tips with realistic phishing examples. We also include a highres phishing awareness tips poster.
Get trained quickly on Generative AI Security. Generative AI Security Awareness Training Presentation covers security and privacy concerns over AI training data and models. It covers adversarial attack methods, deepfake technology and methods of combating AI threats. We also include a visio example of a secure chatbot architecture built on an Azure platform.