Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Our cyber security awareness training is designed to get employees quickly up to speed on the risks and help them understand their obligations in taking due care with personal data.

DPO Solutions - Data Privacy Office Solutions

DPO Solutions New YorkData Privacy Office Solutions
We provide security and privacy training and consulting solutions for healthcare and financial services.  Visit our homepage to see our range of offerings

  • Our 4 part corporate cybersecurity awareness course covers common threats & device security, remote working security, phishing (email security) and an interactive cyber awareness training game presentation. We also include a training tracking spreadsheet template to track uptake and some free extras.
  • Phishing attacks are the number 1 global attack vector. Training your staff now on these risks is key to defense and even business survivability in a hostile online environment. Our corporate training is designed to raise awareness quickly with essential coverage of email risks, threat tips and realistic phishing examples.
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