• This training helps businesses hosting California resident data get up to speed quickly on CCPA/CPRA privacy laws. Covers privacy risks, terms, regulations, case history, required policies and more.
  • Our CTDPA (Connecticut) data privacy awareness training is a definitive guide for training employees on Connecticut data privacy laws and key risks. It will help staff understand the importance of privacy, what the key terms are and how privacy laws are applied. With extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference.
  • Keep cybersecurity on everyones mind in the workplace with our free downloadable tips poster. Two formats (PDF print + web).
  • Our 4 part corporate cybersecurity awareness course covers common threats & device security, remote working security, phishing (email security) and an interactive cyber awareness training game presentation. We also include a training tracking spreadsheet template to track uptake and some free extras.
  • This combo security and privacy presentation training 8 module solution for employees is a complete training solution for staff in these key domains. Presented in a simple, user friendly format to help reinforce concepts.
  • Use this automated tool as a scorecard to quickly measure your GDPR compliance. The data privacy objectives map to the regulation and automatically give you a pass / fail score on completion.
  • This corporate privacy training deck gives employees an introduction to key points of data privacy in an easy to follow format. It gives learners a brief overview of policies, laws and other elements to cover the essentials.
  • Our data privacy awareness brochure is a useful tool for reminding employees at their workspaces of privacy risks. Includes Landscape form A4 size .pdf file.
  • This 4 part privacy corporate training course covers the main risks, concepts and preventative measures for employees in the workplace. Includes a course tracking spreadsheet to track course completion at multiple sites.
  • Keep data privacy on everyones mind in the workplace with our free downloadable tips poster. Two formats (PDF print + web).
  • Our data privacy reference guide is a complete solution for businesess in understanding data privacy and complying with the law. We've put together an extensive amount of key data from authoritative sources so that you will understand in an easy to understand, compact format. We cover the importance of data privacy, common privacy practitioner questions, key privacy terms and how privacy laws are applied. Featuring extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference. Easy to edit and customize for your organization. See sample preview slides and video below.
  • A Data Privacy Impact Assessment is required under GDPR, UK-GDPR, Canada PIPEDA, KSA PDPL and most US state privacy laws. It's also considered best practice for a majority of organizations who may not be technically required to perform them. This download kit includes a detailed workbook with instructions a 10 point DPIA pre-assessment automatic scorecard, an excel workbook with 30 controls covering 8 assessment areas. We also include essential data mapping visio templates to help with the important personal data mapping requirements of a DPIA.
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