Our data privacy awareness A4 pdf brochure is a useful tool for reminding employees at their workspaces of privacy risks to help comply with CCPA, GDPR, PCI-DSS etc. Tri-fold brochures are a popular component of security awareness training learning triad that should be continuously applied, this handout will help.
Our data privacy reference guide is a comprehensive solution for businesess in understanding data privacy and complying with the law in a graphical powerpoint format. We cover the importance of data privacy, common privacy practitioner questions, key privacy terms and how privacy laws are applied. Featuring extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference. Easy to edit and customize for your organization.
Payment card handling security is a key security objective for staff in every business that accepts card payments. Over $50 Billion is lost to card fraud each year and 50% of americans report having being a victim at some point. Ensuring that staff handle card data properly is also a requirement under card regulations known as PCI-DSS which can come with significant penalties from card issuers when there are infringements. This printable tri-fold brochure is a simple but very necessary reminder to staff of tell-tale signs of fraudulent cards, safe sharing and storage, email risks and other tips. Use this brochure with some of our other products to increase security awareness in your organization.
DORA compliance is mandatory for EU FS and ICT firms by Jan 17th 2025, are you ready?. This DORA Readiness Presentation Kit covers the essential aspects of DORA compliance and how to optimise your readiness with the new rules and prepare all stakeholders. We also include a useful 10 point graded pre-assessment workbook tool to grade your readiness and track changes.
This exclusive 5 part training bundle offers you a learning path to understanding the key concepts of personal data protection and workplace risks. This all-in-one download includes a 4 module privacy training course, a data privacy reference guide, california data privacy training deck, phishing training and laptop security training decks to get you up to speed quickly and cost effectively.
GDPR requires accurate and complete documentation for mapping personal data flows for compliant organizations. This Visio template can be used to effectvely show data flows categorized by personal data type such as web session data, financial data, transactional data and non sensitive data traversing country borders. Presented in an easy to understand and visually appealing vsdx format, it's very useful when performing, mapping, privacy impact assessmements or as RoPA record documentation.