Data Privacy Awareness Training Presentation Course

“Train Better for Less”

View our Data Privacy Awareness Training PPT Course.

data privacy awareness presentation training course
  • Data Privacy Awareness Training Course for Employees, PII Privacy Training PowerPoint Course, Privacy Slidedecks, DPO Privacy Training Templates
    Our data privacy awareness training 4 part course is the ideal solution for faster learning and budget friendly employee training. We cover privacy fundamentals, main risks to privacy, best practices for employees in the workplace, GDPR terms. We Include a course tracking spreadsheet, interactive privacy game deck and a printable privacy tips poster as a simple kit for your training and compliance needs.
  • Data Privacy and Security Awareness Corporate Training Courses Combo Pack
    Our data privacy and security awareness corporate self-paced training courses combo pack is an all-in-one 8 module solution for training employees in these key domains. Presented in a simple, effective user friendly format, it helps reinforce risk and avoidance concepts in the workplace. See the two training [4 module courses] in the bundle below.
  • Data Privacy Business Reference Guide, Data Privacy Office Solutions Privacy Training
    Our data privacy reference guide is a comprehensive solution for businesess in understanding data privacy and complying with the law in a graphical powerpoint format. We cover the importance of data privacy, common privacy practitioner questions, key privacy terms and how privacy laws are applied. Featuring extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference. Easy to edit and customize for your organization.
  • what is data privacy, how do you ensure data privacy presentation, How does data privacy work, DPO Training Solutions
    This corporate privacy training deck gives employees an introduction to key points of data privacy in an easy to follow format. It gives learners a brief overview of policies, laws and other elements to cover the essentials.
  • Data Privacy Training Bundle Pack, DPO Privacy Training Templates
    This exclusive 5 part training bundle offers you a learning path to understanding the key concepts of personal data protection and workplace risks. This all-in-one download includes a 4 module privacy training course, a data privacy reference guide, california data privacy training deck, phishing training and laptop security training decks to get you up to speed quickly and cost effectively.
  • California Data Privacy Training PPT, California PII training, DPO Privacy Training Templates
    This training helps businesses hosting California resident data get up to speed quickly on CCPA/CPRA privacy laws. Covers privacy risks, terms, regulations, case history, required policies and more.
  • Medical Records Privacy Awareness Training for Employees ppt download
    Our medical data privacy (HIPAA) awareness training is good fit for healthcare entities looking to train their staf on privacy risks. Includes the latest HIPAA 2023 rules, data sharing rules, remote working risks, expected security policies and case history examples.
  • CTDPA Data Privacy Awareness ppt download
    Our CTDPA (Connecticut) data privacy awareness training is a definitive guide for training employees on Connecticut data privacy laws and key risks. It will help staff understand the importance of privacy, what the key terms are and how privacy laws are applied. With extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference.
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