Cybersecurity Awareness PowerPoint Training Course

  • cybersecurity corporate awareness training course, best Our cybersecurity awareness training course
    Our cybersecurity corporate awareness training course features 4 modules covering common threats & device security, remote working security, phishing (email security) and more.  Also includes a 20x30" awareness tips poster. All ideal for compliance, cyber security awareness month and general security use.
  • Phishing Awareness Training Course Presentation, email security awareness training
    Phishing type attacks are the number one type of attack globally and 1000's of companies fall victim every year. Our phishing awareness training presentation course for employees is a more efficient way to learn about different phishing types, common risks like ransomware and ways to prevent them by providing threat tips with realistic phishing examples. We also include a highres phishing awareness tips poster.
  • IT security awareness training for remote workers, DPO Security Training Solutions, security awareness presentation, privacy security
    This corporate remote working security awareness training presentation covers the main risks for remote workers to be aware of when using company assets. We include interactive examples of phishing emails, wifi security, video conference security and more.
  • laptop security awareness guide
    This training covers laptop physical security measures, password security, encryption, software security and more in an easy to follow presentation format.
  • Payment Card Handler Security Awareness Training
    Train your card handling staff with our payment card handler security awareness presentation. This training deck helps highlight the risks surrounding card data, how to combat these risks and how to comply with the payment card security standard (PCI-DSS). We also include an card security awareness tips poster.
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