• Data Privacy Training Bundle Pack, DPO Privacy Training Templates
    This exclusive 5 part training bundle offers you a learning path to understanding the key concepts of personal data protection and workplace risks. This all-in-one download includes a 4 module privacy training course, a data privacy reference guide, california data privacy training deck, phishing training and laptop security training decks to get you up to speed quickly and cost effectively.
  • ROPA Template, Record of Processing Activities Controller Template, GDPR Controller Template, PII records inventory management tool, PDPL controller template, personal information asset register, NPI data management template
    This All-in-One kit helps GDPR controllers and data asset register keepers manage and track all aspects of their records management responsibilities. We include a records management workbook with a FAST automated pre-assement, detailed records category dropdowns and detailed instructions. We also include essential easy to edit visio (.vsdx) templates to help document your environment. All you need to get you started quickly with your records management.
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