The new california privacy law 2020

In November 2020, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) was passed into law with some key changes to the existing California Consmer Privacy Act

CPRA takes effect from the first week of 2023. 

It's time for businesses to start preparing for modifications to their privacy regulation structures

When DOES it Take Effect?

Here are the top 5 changes to be brought about by the Consumer Privacy Rights Act of 2020 

sensitive personal information

New rights are introduced to limit the use & disclosure of "sensitive" data including ID's, geolocation, religion, race, sexual orientation, content of any personal communication etc. 

Update 1

Redefine publicly available data

"Publicly available information" to include data voluntarily shared by the consumer on social media and other similar networks, except that the consumer hasn't restricted it to a limited audience

Update 2

correction of personal data

Customers will now have the right to request correction of inaccurate information held by businesses. This is in addition to the right of access and erasure.

Update 3

sale and sharing of personal information

Businesses will now be required to provide customers with "opt-out" right to restrict the sale and transfer of their personal information to third parties

Update 4

establish a data protection agency

CPRA will establish a Data Protection Agency as an administrative body to enforce its provisions. Fines on data breaches involving children's data will be raised.

Update 5

- Source: Californians for Consumer Privacy

9/10 californians believe CPRA is necessary

The proposition amassed the 6th largest number of supporters of any initiative in the history of California with over 9 million voters casting a YES in the ballot.

Source: The National Law Review

-Alastair Mactaggart, Californians for consumer privacy

"We've laid a historic for consumer rights with the passage of ccpa, and now it's time to seize the momentum and take the next step in enforcing and expandig the law to keep pace with an industry that is changing at a break-neck pace"

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aparna radhakrishnan
