Our data privacy awareness training is designed to get employees quickly up to speed on the risks and help them understand their obligations under data privacy regulations.
DPO Solutions New York – Data Privacy Office Solutions
We provide security and privacy training and consulting solutions for healthcare and financial services. Visit our homepage to see our range of offerings
Sale!Train your staff on privacy with our Data Privacy awareness 4 module presentation training course. Data breaches cost US companies $9.36m on average in 2024 and were mostly triggered by human error and lack of awareness. This course will help combat these risks by teaching staff on types of personal data, key risks, best practices for employees in the workplace, risk avoidance and more. We Include a printable tips poster in 2 ready to print sizes.
Sale!Data Privacy & Security Awareness training presentation bundle offers you a learning path to understanding the key concepts of personal data protection and workplace risks. This all-in-one download includes a 4 module privacy training course, a data privacy reference guide, california data privacy training deck, phishing training and laptop security training decks to get you up to speed quickly and cost effectively.
Sale!Our CTDPA (Connecticut) data privacy awareness training is a definitive guide for training employees on Connecticut data privacy laws and key risks. It will help staff understand the importance of privacy, what the key terms are and how privacy laws are applied. With extensive examples, an interactive quiz and valuable external links for quick reference.